Ripplr Development #1

Guilherme Graca
Nov 19, 2020

We have finally started inviting users to join Ripplr! 🎉 🎉

I’m so proud of the progress we achieved so far. Back in June, Mário Balça approached me with a working prototype and an amazing vision for what this project could be and, from there, we started casually discussing the idea and forming a team, alongside Filipe Mendes.

The chatting and working intensified after I visited Portugal in the summer and that culminated with me quitting my job in October to be able to work for Ripplr full-time. Now, about a month in, we’re starting to share our work with the outside world and the early feedback has been great!

We’re not sharing it as a finished product though, we’re aware some parts could be more polished and people will find the occasional bug now and then. We chose to do this so that we can take the next steps with the community and to understand what people find valuable.

We also want to experiment with being transparent in our development process. This will be the first post of a series and I expect the following ones to start being a bit more technical. We believe doing this could be insightful to others wanting to start their business. It also creates the opportunity to integrate the community in the process and get some honest feedback on what we’re building and any future plans.

A big thank you to the early adopters!

If you haven’t been invited yet, head to and subscribe to be notified when we invite the next batch.

